Kirish Ro'yxatdan o'tish
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28/12 00:30 Brayton - Brentford
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Jon Terri muhtojlarga oziq-ovqat tarqatdi (video)

Jon Terri muhtojlarga oziq-ovqat tarqatdi (video)

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«Chelsi» klubi sobiq sardori Jon Terri koronavirus pandemiyasi paytida muhtojlarga yordam berish aksiyasida ishtirok etdi.

U jamiyatdan ajralib qolgan insonlarga oziq-ovqat va dastlabki ehtiyoj mahsulotlarini yetkazib berishda qatnashdi.

«Ushbu yordamni berish men uchun sharafli bo‘ldi. Insonlar yuzida tabassumni ko‘rish — bu zavqli», – deya yozdi Terri Instagramdagi sahifasi orqali.

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I was so honoured to help my great friend @jumdavis with @oxshottdelivery A wonderful initiative amongst everything that is happening. His idea was simply to bring the community together whilst we need to keep apart, getting local residents to volunteer their time to drive ???? local businesses home essentials and produce to the doors of the vulnerable and shielding residents alongside the rest of the community. Today I was part of his delivery team and loved watching the smiles on the faces of those who needed it. This was a great moment with @smithadj @harrisonsfund who needs all the support during this time as none of the fundraising events scheduled can take place so it was great to see his smile and positivity. Please check out I hope communities up and down the country join in. Thanks to @sterne_performance for capturing these moments and to @munchandwiggles & @simonthebutch @cutbygoss and the team for these amazing B.O.O.M boxes ???? As a local resident of Oxshott you can order on line for yourself,or you can simply pay for boxes for the vulnerable or the elderly to be delivered to their door ????????

A post shared by John Terry (@johnterry.26) on

Kiritildi: 07:28, 28.03.2020.
O'qildi: 2153 marta.
Fikrlar: 0 ta.

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